
Displaying 26 - 50 of 149

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
10/06/24 The Book of Jonah Andrew Hall N/A Sunday PM Sermon
10/06/24 Christ is Worth Imitating Chuck Bartlett N/A Sunday AM Sermon
09/29/24 Why We Are Given Bread and Wine Andrew Hall N/A Sunday AM Sermon
09/22/24 Defense of God's 6 Days of Creation Joshua Gurtler N/A Sunday PM Sermon
09/22/24 Maintaining Faith in a Humanistic World Joshua Gurtler N/A Sunday AM Sermon
09/22/24 Background to Neo-Darwinism (Microevolution vs Macroevolution) Joshua Gurtler N/A Sunday AM Sermon
09/21/24 Neo-Darwinian Evolution is Unscientific Joshua Gurtler N/A Evening Sermon
09/20/24 Neo-Darwinism vs. Faith & Intelligent Design in Noah's Flood Joshua Gurtler N/A Evening Sermon
09/15/24 Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of Yahweh? Andrew Hall N/A Sunday PM Sermon
09/15/24 The Plan Before the World Began Chuck Bartlett N/A Sunday AM Sermon
09/08/24 Why We Take the Lord's Supper Andrew Hall N/A Sunday PM Sermon
09/08/24 Do We Have Godly Sorrow? Chuck Bartlett N/A Sunday AM Sermon
09/01/24 Why We Meet on the First Day Andrew Hall N/A Sunday PM Sermon
09/01/24 You Are Being Fought Over Chuck Bartlett N/A Sunday AM Sermon
08/11/24 Voices Andrew Hall N/A Sunday PM Sermon
08/11/24 Being More Specific Chuck Bartlett N/A Sunday AM Sermon
08/04/24 What Saints Don't Have in Common Chuck Bartlett N/A Sunday PM Sermon
08/04/24 What All Saints Have in Common Chuck Bartlett N/A Sunday AM Sermon
07/28/24 A Closer Look at Mankind Chuck Bartlett N/A Sunday AM Sermon
07/21/24 Eyes and Ears Andrew Hall N/A Sunday PM Sermon
07/21/24 The Importance of Christ's Resurrection Chuck Bartlett N/A Sunday AM Sermon
07/14/24 Why We Sing A Capella Andrew Hall N/A Sunday PM Sermon
07/14/24 Obey From the Heart Chuck Bartlett N/A Sunday AM Sermon
07/07/24 Why We Sing Andrew Hall N/A Sunday PM Sermon
07/07/24 Humility and Praise Chuck Bartlett N/A Sunday AM Sermon

Displaying 26 - 50 of 149

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