Media Archive

Displaying 1 - 25 of 427

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/09/25 How can you be certain spiritual gifts don’t exist today? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
03/02/25 What is a spirit filled church? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
02/23/25 If we are not under the Old Law, what about the 10 commandments? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
02/16/25 What happens when a person is baptized? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
02/09/25 When one dies, are they instantly with the Lord? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
02/02/25 Why can’t churches establish their own doctrines? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
01/26/25 The Value of Inspiration Chuck Bartlett Sermon N/A Sunday AM Sermon
01/26/25 Why did many of Christ’s disciples stop following Him? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
01/19/25 The Dangers of Falling Away Chuck Bartlett Sermon N/A Sunday AM Sermon
01/19/25 What happened when Jesus died (Part 2)? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
01/12/25 The Omega Andrew Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Sermon
01/12/25 The Pursuit of Peace Chuck Bartlett Sermon N/A Sunday AM Sermon
01/12/25 What happened when Jesus died (Part 1)? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
01/05/25 If we are not under law but under grace, then are we under any law? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
12/29/24 The Alpha and the Omega Andrew Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Sermon
12/29/24 The Goal for 2025 - To Stay Alive Chuck Bartlett Sermon N/A Sunday AM Sermon
12/29/24 People told me that the Holy Spirit told them things. Is that true? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
12/22/24 The Birth of Christ Chuck Bartlett Sermon N/A Sunday AM Sermon
12/22/24 Why do people believe in false doctrine? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
12/15/24 Why Are We Given Prayer? Andrew Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Sermon
12/15/24 The Keys to the Kingdom Chuck Bartlett Sermon N/A Sunday AM Sermon
12/15/24 How does one become a saint? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word
12/08/24 The Face of God Andrew Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM Sermon
12/08/24 "Behold, I thought..." Chuck Bartlett Sermon N/A Sunday AM Sermon
12/08/24 What does “work out your own salvation” mean? Chuck Bartlett Study the Word N/A Study the Word

Displaying 1 - 25 of 427

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