
Supporting an Evangelist

The scriptures have much to say about preachers having an income. Some wonder if a church should even pay the preacher. Others might think that the preacher should have a secular job. Still, others might think that the preacher should have both a secular job and be supported partially by the church. We will learn in our study what the scriptures have to say. 

When Paul was at Corinth, he met up with a couple named Aquila and Priscilla. We are told that they were of the same trade as Paul being tentmakers. Thus, the apostle stayed with them and they worked (Acts 18:1-3). There is nothing wrong with a preacher working with his hands in order to provide for his needs. It would be wrong to not consider one an actual preacher because he has other means to support himself. 

We also find out that Paul was helped by the church at Philippi as they sent aid to him on more than one occasion (Phil. 4:16). Not only did these brethren help but more than one church supported Paul when he taught the word (II Cor. 11:8). All of this reveals that a man is worthy of his hire (Lk. 10:7; I Tim. 5:18). Knowing this, let’s answer some questions to make things clear.

Can a preacher be supported by more than one church?  Yes. Paul said that “churches” sent wages to him for his work (II Cor. 11:8).

Can a preacher preach at a local church that doesn’t support him? Yes. Paul said he preached at Corinth for free while getting support from other places (II Cor. 11:7).  

Do preachers take a vow of poverty as some religious groups teach? No. The Bible does not teach such.

If a preacher is supported by a local church, does that mean he doesn’t have to give when the collection is taken up? No. The preacher is a Christian and is responsible for obeying the commands of our Lord (II Cor. 16:1-2; II Cor. 9:7).

Can churches send money to another local church so they can support a preacher? No. Did you notice in the verses given already that the apostle said that the church sent to his needs time and again (Phil. 4:16). Churches support the man directly and do not send their support to the church. 

Can a local church stop supporting a preacher if he starts teaching error? Yes. This is why churches need to know who they support and make sure they are teaching the truth. If a church knows the preacher is teaching error and he doesn’t repent, they would be sinning by supporting him (II Jn. 9-10). 

Who decides how much a preacher is to be paid? This a discussion between the preacher and the church(es). Common sense has to prevail. The preacher doesn’t have to live below the poverty line nor does he need to live above the brethren. Remember, Paul spoke about churches meeting his needs (Phil. 4:16).

Beyond his regular support, should churches pay for all unexpected expenses?  When one of the members breaks a tooth or has car trouble or breaks their glasses, do they expect the church to pay for it? Of course not. They budget their income for things like this. Why should a preacher be any different? Preachers are not above personal financial budgeting and accountability. To not provide for your own, because of lack of planning, is wrong (I Tim. 5:8).

Should one preach because of the money? No. If someone wants to preach simply to make money, they are preaching for the wrong reason. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (I Tim. 6:10).